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admin Published 2 years ago in Urban Gospel

Heaven Is Too Far Away - Shelly E. Johnson

Music has always been my conduit to God. I’ve learned through the tragedies I’ve been through in my journey – losing my daddy to cancer as a kid, losing our second baby to miscarriage, and the many other dark seasons along the way, worship is the path to healing.

Those times when my soul has been broken and there were no words, there was music. When I was 14 years old, the night my daddy died, I sat at my piano staring out the window speechless as they carried him out the front door and drove his body away in a hearse. In that moment I could not see or feel or understand the goodness of God. But I chose to keep trusting Him, and it was through that act of worshipful surrender that I began to heal. That is why I do what I do. I write songs, I lead worship, I coach music lessons, I travel around the country sharing concerts and nights of worship for one sole purpose: to point people of all generations to Jesus.


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